Pulled Groin Muscle Therapy
What to Do First
If you pull a muscle while exercising or playing a sport, immediately cease doing the activity. Then, as soon as possible, begin following the RICE method of treating a pulled muscle.
RICE stands for rest, ice, compression and elevation, and following them in that order means resting the affected muscle, then periodically alternating ice and heat treatments of perhaps 20 minutes apiece. The ice will reduce swelling and the heat will increase blood flow into the affected area and help remove toxins.
Compression and elevation will help minimize the swelling even further and help speed the healing process. Use an Ace bandage when moving around, and when resting, keep the injured area elevated so that the swelling drains from the muscle.
Minimizing the Pain
Doctors and physiotherapists recommend a number of anti-inflammatories and analgesics for reducing swelling and pain caused by a pulled muscle. Ibuprofen acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory, while aspirin and acetaminophen will help ease the pain caused by a pulled muscle.
Additionally, icing the affected area will reduce inflammation and numb the area, minimizing pain even further.
Getting Back to Full Motion
Low-grade muscle tears (where the muscle has not ruptured and there is no associated bruising) can heal quickly. The most important part of recovery is making sure there is no buildup of scar tissue on the muscle that will impair future flexibility or mobility. So it's important to begin light exercise and stretching the pulled muscle within 24 to 48 hours of the injury.
Physiotherapists recommend warming up---such as walking, bicycling or doing calisthenics that will increase blood flow to the affected area---and then gently stretching the muscle. Try to work the entire range of motion of the affected muscle. A self-massage tool will also help make sure that scar tissue does not build up over the muscle and impair movement in the future.
Use hip adductor and hip abductor machines at a local gym, using very light weight. Again, make sure to move the groin through the full range of motion. If you feel any pain, stop immediately.