Care for Pulled Muscles
Rest the pulled muscles for two to three days, or until the pain has subsided. Do not continue your exercise routine or strenuous activity or you may cause more damage.
Apply ice packs or ice wrapped in a towel to strained muscles. Apply the ice for two or three days at 20 to 30-minute intervals every three to four hours. The University of Tennessee Medical Center advises that you avoid applying the ice directly to your skin.
Wear an elastic compression bandage around the pulled muscle region. Wrap the bandage tightly, but not so much as to cut off circulation. The elastic bandage will help reduce swelling.
Elevate the pulled muscles, while you are resting, above the level of your heart. Elevating the strained muscles helps reduce swelling.
Medication and Alternatives
According to New York University Langone Medical Center, taking aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen will help ease the pain of your strained muscles. But the center recommends waiting at least 24 hours before taking the medication to not interfere with the clotting mechanism of your body.
According to, some alternative and herbal treatments that will help heal the strained muscles and reduce swelling are vitamin C, omega-3 fatty acids (vitamin F), bromelain, termeric, zinc and calcium. Some Chinese herbal treatments are jin gu die da wan (for reducing inflammation and reduce swelling) and shang shi ahi tong gao (for pain relief).
Rehabilitation starts when you use heat. Use heat four to five days after you strained your muscles and only after the swelling and pain has ceased and you are returning to your normal routines. Use heat before stretching or exercise.
Use stretching techniques to rehabilitate the muscles. Stretching will help you regain a wider range of motion and flexibility and will help to rebuild strength.