Remedies for a Swollen Ankle
Use RICE for a swollen ankle
RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. These four steps more than anything else you can do will alleviate the pain and swelling of an injured ankle. All four should be undertaken at the same time, with an over-the-counter pain medication if necessary. Follow the recommended dosage for pain medicine.
Rest With Ice Under Compression
Stay off your foot if you have a swollen ankle. The weight of your body adds pressure to the fluid buildup in the muscles, worsening the pain and swelling, so rest. Place ice or an ice pack in a resealable plastic bag, wrap in a thin towel and compress the ice on the swollen area. Repeat with more ice or a fresh cold pack as needed and continue compression for at least 24 hours after the initial injury. Compression and cold help slow the flow of blood and fluids to the wounded area, reducing swelling.
Elevate the Ankle
Lay back and prop up your ankle on something soft, such as pillows or a folded blanket. Elevation helps gravity draw fluids away from the area to speed up healing and reduce swelling. This works whether the swollen ankle is due to injury, pregnancy or diet.
Eat Healthier and Exercise
Cutting salt out of your diet, limiting consumption of alcohol and exercising regularly will reduce the frequency of swollen ankles, while strengthening the ankle muscles and making them more resistant to injury. Bicycling when you ankle is healthy is a great way to strengthen muscles in the area, as is a brisk walk for 20 minutes three times a week.