Good Exercises for a Pulled Groin
The butterfly stretch is the most common stretch for the groin muscle. This can be done either standing or sitting down. Sitting down, bend the knees and put the bottom of the feet together. Gently press the knees down toward the floor. Standing up, squat down with the feet together and gently press the knees apart.
Lunges can be done either to the front or to the side to help strengthen adductor muscles. For side lunges, split the feet. Bend one leg as the other leg slides apart while standing upright. Repeat eight to 10 times and then perform the same motion with the other leg. Do two or three sets per leg. For front lunges, step forward and slowly bend the front knee while shifting the weight forward so only the ball of the back foot is touching the ground. Stand up and repeat with the other leg. Do eight to 10 repetitions with each leg and two or three sets.
Chair Squats
Stand in front of a chair. Slowly sit back until almost in the chair, but not quite. Hold this position for a few seconds, and then stand back up. Repeat 12 to 15 times per set for two or three sets. This exercise will help stabilize the pelvic region, which helps heal and prevent groin strains.