What Does Skelaxin Look Like?
Skelaxin is a drug manufactured by King Pharmaceuticals. According to the website, www.skelaxin.com, "it provides relief for acute, painful muscle spasms." These spasms can cause pain in your back, neck or other muscle groups.According to the website www.drugs.com, Skelaxin is available only in tablet form in three dosages -- 20mg, 400mg and 800mg.
What Does Skelaxin Look Like?
Skelaxin tablets are either round or oblong. They can be a pinkish color or white, depending on the dosage.
Skelaxin 20mg Tablets
The 20mg dosage of Skelaxin is pictured here.
Skelaxin 400mg tablets
The 400mg dosage of Skelaxin is pictured here.
Skelaxin 800mg Caplets
The 800mg dosage of Skelaxin is pictured here.
Further Information
Further information about Skelaxin can be found at www.skelaxin.com