One-leg Standing Hip Flexor & Knee Extensor Stretch

Sitting for a long time at your desk can cause your hip and legs to feel like stilts when you walk. To alleviate this, take a stretching break often and do the one-leg standing hip extension stretches. This exercise stretches your hip flexors and knee extensors, including your quadriceps. Whether you are working at home or at the office, do these exercises as often as you can to prevent low back pain or hip stiffness.

Things You'll Need

  • Sturdy chair or stool, 2- to 3-feet high
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  1. Standing Quadriceps Stretch

    • 1

      Stand on your right leg and flex your left knee to bring your left heel near your buttocks.

    • 2

      Hold your left ankle with your left hand as you extend your lower back slightly to stand tall and balanced. Hold on to a chair or put your right hand on a wall for balance if necessary.

    • 3

      Hold the stretch for five to six deep breaths and repeat the stretch on the opposite leg.

    Stride Stretch

    • 4

      Put your left foot on top of a chair or sturdy platform that is about 2- to 3-feet high.

    • 5

      Shift your weight toward your left foot to increase the stretch in your right hip flexors and thigh.

    • 6

      Put your hands on your left thigh or knee as you hold the stretch for five to six deep breaths. Repeat the stretch on the opposite side.

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