Weight Lifting for Your Hip Flexors
Hip Flexion with the Multi-Hip Machine
The multi-hip machine is an effective piece of equipment to use for hip flexion because you can adjust the weight to your ability level. Start with the lever straight down and stand up on the platform facing the lever. Keep your right foot on the ground and leg straight. Place your left thigh against the lever and push forward and up while flexing at the knee and hip. Switch legs to work your right hip flexors.
Leg Lift
Lie flat on the ground with your legs straight and arms by your sides. Slowly lift both legs up, keeping them straight, until they are perpendicular to the floor, then slowly release your legs back down until they are almost touching the floor. To make the exercise easier, you can bend your knees as much as necessary, and to make the exercise more difficult you can strap on ankle weights. Make sure you keep the movement slow and controlled.
Most people think of the situp solely as an abdominal exercise, but you are also working your hip flexors as you bend at the hip raising your upper body against the resistance. To perform a situp, lie on the ground with your knees bent to 90 degrees and both feet on the floor. Place your hands behind your head with your elbows pointing out to the sides. Sit up keeping your neck in line with your spine, then release back down until your shoulder blades touch the floor. Keep the movement slow and controlled throughout the entire exercise. If you are having trouble keeping your feet on the floor have someone hold your feet. If the exercise is not difficult enough, hold weight, such as a dumbbell, over your chest.
Tips and Safety
Perform two or three sets of eight to 12 repetitions of whichever exercise you choose to improve your hip flexor endurance and strength. Always perform the exercises slowly and with control to get the most out of the exercise and for your safety. Before starting your hip flexor workout, perform dynamic stretching, such as leg swings; afterward, perform static stretching, such as holding the lunge position while keeping your upper body erect. Consult with your physician prior to starting a new exercise program.