How to Make Your Own Massage Pillow
Things You'll Need
- Fabric
- Thread
- Needle
- Rice (optional)
- Dried Corn (optional)
- Dried lavender (optional)
Select a durable and strong fabric such as a heavy-duty cotton. Measure a piece that is 24 by 12 inches. Fold over the length wrong-side out. Machine stitch along the two sides of the folded fabric, leaving the opening at the end for the filler. Machine stitch a second time alongside the first stitching for a strong seam. Turn the pillow right side out.
Decide what you want to put into the pillow. Corn and rice both mold nicely around any part of the body and will last a long time. Dried lavender flowers have a soothing fragrance and can be mixed with the rice or dried corn. Fill the pillow body, but not too tightly. You will use approximately 5 cups of corn or rice for this size pillow.
Turn the raw edges in and hand stitch the opening closed. Once you have hand stitched, follow along that edge with the sewing machine to make a strong closure. To use, put the pillow into the microwave for 90 seconds and test to make sure it is not too warm nor cool. This pillow can also be chilled for approximately one hour before using.
Protect the pillow by making a pillowcase. Lay the pillow down near the top of a soft fabric such as fleece or a soft cotton. Fold up over the pillow, measuring much as you did for the pillow. Machine stitch wrong side out along the two edges. Fold down the top and machine stitch to create a clean trim top edge. Turn the pillow case right-side out and slip your massage pillow into it.