What Tests Are Given With a Gluteus Maximus Tensing Test?
Test 1
Lie on your back in the prone position. Bring your knee up to a 90 degree angle. Another person supports you under your hip with one hand as you drop your knee to the side so it is parallel to your body. If you can hold it in that position without additional assistance, you are given a Grade 3 for strength. The other person then applies slight pressure on your knee as you resist the pressure. If you can hold up against the pressure without giving out, you get a Grade 5 on the strength test.
Test 2
You will need to wear athletic shorts for this test so you can see your quadriceps. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with your knees slightly bent. A hand is placed on your right gluteus maximus. You must then slowly but forcefully engage that muscle. This test is to observe how your quadriceps muscle, specifically the vastus medialis muscle, contracts with your gluteus maximus. This is the muscle right above the knee, slightly on the inner part of the leg.
Test 3
Fingertips are placed over your hip adductor muscles (groin muscles) for this exercise. When the fingertips are in place, the gluteus maximus is tensed strongly. This checks to see how the two pairs of muscles contract together.
Test 4
The fourth test is performed down a hallway or a long room. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart. You should take at least eight steps as if you were simply walking. Your gait will be observed for weight distribution, posture and movement. If you are having problems with your lower back or lower extremities, you may have an imbalance centralized around the hips and gluteus maximus.
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