How to Purge Effects on the Voice Box
Sit or stand with a straight back and place your open hands flat on your stomach with the fingertips just touching. Breath in through your nose and push out your stomach. Your fingertips should separate. Count to three in your head, then exhale while slowly drawing your stomach in. Your fingertips should touch again. Repeat this exercise five times.
Shrug your shoulders up to your ears then relax. Repeat this movement five times.
Rest your head on your chest then raise it to its normal position. Repeat five times. Rest your head on your chest then gently roll it from side to side, again for five times.
Keep your chin horizontal and look over each shoulder five times.
Take a deep breath then exhale while making a long sighing sound. Repeat three times
Take a deep breath then exhale while making a long "h" sound combined with a vowel. For example, "h ... ee," or "h ... oe." Prolong exhalation for as long as possible. Repeat with the vowel sounds a, e, i and o. Repeat three times for each sound combination.
Repeat the exercise in Step 6 but replace the h sound with m, s, f, sh, v and z.
Glide from one vowel to another ("a ... e ... i," for example), prolonging each vowel for two or three seconds.
Count up to 20, adding extra stress to each fifth number. Repeat the exercise stressing every third number.
Read aloud text from books, magazines or poetry, taking care to keep your voice box relaxed and your voice sounding unstrained.