How to Use a Foam Roller for Feet
Things You'll Need
- 3-foot tall, 6-inch wide foam roller
- 1-foot tall, "half-round" foam roller (2)
- 3-foot tall, "half-round" foam roller
Place two 1-foot half-round foam rollers on the ground in front of you, flat side facing up. Step onto the rollers and maintain your balance. Squat slowly ten times in succession to exercise the entire foot with emphasis on the glutes and thighs.
Stand on a 3-foot half-round roller (flat side facing up) with both feet. Put one foot in front of the other and hold to maintain balance, giving the feet and entire body a strengthening exercise.
Stretch ankles and feet by placing the bottom, front part of the foot against a half-round foam roller with the flat side of the roller facing down. Lean forward to feel the stretch in the foot, up the ankle and through the calves.
Turn a 3-foot round foam roller on one end. Stand next to the foam roller, lightly holding on to the top for balance. Place feet into a plie position - ankles together, feet facing out to make the letter "V." Bend knees slowly, keeping knees from extending over toes. Repeat 15 times to give feet strength and ankles a work out.
Sit on the floor with a 3-foot round foam roller placed horizontally in front of you on the floor. Bend your knees and place your feet on the foam roller. Roll the roller back and forth several times using your feet for a sole massage.