The Effects of Trigger Finger
Who Gets Trigger Finger?
Musicians may experience trigger thumb. Relying on fingers or thumbs for multiple repetitive movements frequently causes trigger finger. It is common among farmers, industrial workers and musicians. With so much time spent on computers and smartphones, people who type or text for long periods of time can also be affected. Medical conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout or diabetes, are also common causes. Strenuously grasping objects, like power tools, for prolonged periods of time can aggravate the condition. Although it most commonly occurs between the ages of 40 to 60, opinions regarding whether it is more common in men or women appear to be mixed.
Symptoms of Trigger Finger
In severe cases, you might not be able to straighten out your finger. Experiencing pain at the base of the finger or thumb might be one of the early symptoms. However, painful clicking or snapping, when you try to flex or extend the finger or thumb, is the most common symptom. Often it seems to get worse when the hand is inactive then loosens up a bit with movement. In the worst cases the finger or thumb becomes swollen and actually locks into a flexed position. You must then gently straighten it with your other hand. The more advanced the condition, the worse the pain. In extreme cases, the finger cannot be straightened out at all.
Diagnosis of Trigger Finger
Trigger finger is best diagnosed and treated by a hand surgeon. Diagnosing trigger finger usually involves a physical exam of the hand and fingers by an orthopedist or hand surgeon. Since it is a condition of the tendons, no X-rays or lab tests can show trigger finger. There might be a visible nodule or bump over the joint in the palm of the affected hand. The finger or thumb might be swollen or locked into a bent position, or perhaps it is stiff. In most cases, it is painful.
Treatment of Trigger Finger
Limiting activities that aggravate trigger finger is the first step if the condition is caused by repetitive actions. Your doctor may opt to put the affected hand in a splint to limit joint movement. If the condition persists, anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen or naproxen, may help. It is best to try non-steroidal treatments first. If those don't help, it may be necessary for your doctor to inject a steroid medication, such as cortisone, into the tendon sheath. If none of this helps, surgery may be recommended to release the tendon sheath and restore movement. If surgery is necessary, the condition will not recur in the same finger or thumb after the tendon sheath is released.
Understanding Why Surgery May Be Necessary
With the problem solved, normal activities can resume. Injecting the site over and over again, if the condition recurs, will eventually result in the steroids losing their effectiveness. Additionally, use of steroids should be limited because of possible side effects. Trigger finger is caused by narrowing of the sheath that surrounds the tendon in the affected finger. If the sheath is expanded surgically, the tendon will move easily as the sheath heals.
Advice When Receiving Treatment
Treatment is best from a hand surgeon as first choice or an orthopedist if a hand surgeon is not available. The hand surgeon knows exactly where to insert the steroid for the most effectiveness and least pain. As for surgery, these specialists have probably done many more procedures than general orthopedists. The hand is very complex and should be treated by someone with the most knowledge and experience.