Home Remedies for Calf Cramps
Performing a stretch during a calf cramp helps the muscle loosen up. For an easy stretch, stand up straight and bend at the waist. Reach toward your toes without bending your knees and hold for 30 seconds. To target a single calf, stand at arms-length from a wall. Place your hands on the wall and put your aching leg one foot-length behind the other leg. Bend the knee in front until you feel the stretch in your cramped calf and hold the position for 30 seconds.
Heat and Cold
Take a warm bath to soak the cramp in your calf and help it relax. For a quicker method, hold a heating pad or a face cloth with warm water on your calf for a few minutes. Alternatively, try massaging the cramp with an ice pack. Massage loosens the muscles while the ice dulls the pain and helps reduce inflammation. Do not leave either high heat or ice on your calf for more than a few minutes to prevent further injury.
If calf cramps recur, your diet may be to blame. Ensure you remain properly hydrated since dehydration can cause muscle cramps. A diet low in potassium also may contribute to frequent cramping, so try adding potassium-rich foods to your diet. Potatoes, raisins and prunes offer a high level of the nutrient per serving. A banana or cup of orange juice also provide additional potassium in a quick snack.
Lifestyle Changes
In addition to stretching during a calf cramp, performing calf stretches daily will help keep new cramps from occurring. Ensure your shoes offer proper leg support, as overstressed muscles are another cause of cramps. If your calf cramps happen only in bed, try untucking the sheets at the foot of your bed to give your leg more room to move during the night and keep it from becoming stiff.