Small bumps behind ears and along hair at the neck?

The small bumps behind the ears and along the hairline at the neck are likely sebaceous hyperplasia.

These are non-cancerous growths originating from sebaceous glands that lubricate the skin and hair. Sebaceous hyperplasia is typically harmless and does not require treatment. However, if the bumps are causing discomfort or are a cosmetic concern, several treatment options are available, including topical medications, laser therapy, and surgical removal.

- Common in adults over 40

- Appear on the face and neck

- Cause: overproduction of sebum

- Harmless and noncancerous

- Treatment: Not necessary; Laser or surgical removal for cosmetic reasons

Other potential causes of small bumps behind the ears and along the hairline include:

- Allergic reactions: Certain allergens, such as those found in cosmetics, jewelry, or even certain foods, can cause the skin to develop small, itchy bumps.

- Hives: Hives are a type of raised, itchy rash that can occur anywhere on the body, including behind the ears and along the hairline. They can be caused by various triggers, including allergies, infections, and certain medications.

- Skin tags: These small, benign skin growths are common in adults and can develop anywhere on the body. They are harmless and usually painless.

-Warts: Warts are small, rough-textured bumps caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). They can be spread through direct contact and can appear on the skin anywhere.

- Molluscum contagiosum: This viral skin infection is characterized by small, pearly bumps on the skin. It is spread through direct contact and is common in children.

-Lymph nodes: Lymph nodes are small glands that help to filter out bacteria and other harmful substances from the body. When they become swollen or enlarged, they can be felt as small bumps under the skin, including behind the ears and along the hairline. Enlarged lymph nodes can indicate an infection or other medical condition.

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