Will Symptoms of a Bulging Disc in the Neck Go Away?
Bulging Disc
A bulging disc in the neck happens when one of the rubbery discs between your cervical vertebrae herniates. The center of the disc pushes out through the disc's edge and puts pressure on nearby nerves.
Symptoms of a bulging disc in your neck include pain in your neck, especially when you move it. You could also feel pain over your shoulder blade or pain that radiates down your arm to your hand.
Non-Invasive Treatments
Anti-inflammatory medication can treat the symptoms of a bulging disc, as can careful physical therapy. Immobilizing your neck can also bring relief.
If non-invasive treatments do not make the symptoms go away, then surgery is a treatment option. The bulging disc can be removed by a surgeon.
According to the Chicago Institute of Neurosurgery and Neuroresearch, nearly 95 percent of patients will have the symptoms of a bulging disc in the neck heal without the need for surgery.