The Effects of Cervical Traction

Cervical traction is a common chiropractic treatment that is of benefit to those suffering from neck pain or spinal injury. It often can be performed by the patient and without the need for repetitive doctor visits.
  1. Conditions Benefitting from Cervical Traction

    • Cervical traction is performed on people who suffer from cervical disc injuries or osteoarthritic conditions. Occasionally, this type of traction has beneficial effects for patients who have hyperextended their spine.

    "Over the Door" Traction Technique

    • With "over the door" cervical traction, a strap is affixed under the chin of the patient. This chin strap is then connected to weights that are held aloft over a doorway via pulleys that are utilized.

    Pneumatic Traction Ddevice

    • Cervical traction performed with pneumatic devices will essentially pull the patient's head while, at the same time, his or her shoulder is pushed down. This succeeds in stretching and flexing the cervical bone structures, thereby helping to reduce tightness.

    Risks of Cervical Traction

    • The risks of cervical traction is potential damage to neck systems that should not be stretched or strained. The trachea and esophagus are two of these particular areas that risk becoming dangerously swollen.

    Benefits of Cervical Traction

    • Cervical traction will usually serve to reduce paravertebral (along the cervical vertebrae) muscular spasms.

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