Signs & Symptoms of Esophageal Disease
There are several types of esophageal disease, including infections that can potentially lead to esophageal disease. These include esophagitis, esophageal dysphagia, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and cancer.
There are approximately 50 pairs of nerves and muscles involved in the swallowing process. When these muscles are affected by disease, swallowing can become extremely difficult.
It is not surprising that many esophageal diseases can cause mild to severe pain. Pain can be present at any time, such as a constant dull, achy chest pain or when swallowing.
Heartburn is a well-known condition in which your chest feels as if it is burning inside. The burning can spread into your esophagus and can also cause an unpleasant, sour-like taste.
Acid Reflux
As with heartburn, many patients suffering from esophageal diseases also suffer from acid reflux. Acid reflux is a condition in which regurgitation of stomach acids and food occurs.