Alternatives to Neck Surgery
You can take over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen for mild neck pain. Apply creams or lotions containing menthol or camphor to the neck area. These creams reduce pain and inflammation in the neck. Your doctor may prescribe stronger medications, such as opioids, for short-term treatment of moderate to severe neck pain, according to the Mayo Clinic. Muscle relaxants such as tramadol relax stiff neck muscles providing pain relief. Your doctor may recommend corticosteroid injections into the neck. Steroid injections reduce pain and inflammation quickly.
Stretch the neck muscles gently by moving your head slowly up and down and side to side towards each shoulder. Stretching provides flexibility to neck muscles causing better blood flow and healing to the area, according to Apply heat and cold to the neck area. Cold packs applied for 20 minutes three times a day reduces swelling and inflammation. Apply a heating pad to the neck to loosen tight muscles and reduce pain.
Your doctor may recommend a physical therapist to develop an exercise and stretching routine for your neck. Exercises help strengthen neck muscles providing better support.
You could also use a TENS unit to reduce neck pain with electrical stimulation. Electrodes from the unit is placed on your neck. Tiny electrical pulses enter your neck and block pain signals being sent to the brain. Ask your doctor about using traction to relieve neck pain. Traction treatment uses weights and pulleys to stretch neck muscles and provide quick pain relief. This type of treatment should be monitored by a qualified professional to avoid injury. Wear a soft brace collar to support the neck and relieve pressure. Your doctor advises you on how long to wear the collar. See a medical massage therapist about massage therapy for the neck. Massage loosens stiffened muscles in the neck promoting blood flow and restoring the healing process.
Talk to your doctor about all treatment options. Alternatives to neck surgery are available.