How to Get Rid of Neck Muscle Pain
Things You'll Need
- Essential oil, optional
- Towel
- Ziploc bag
Take frequent rests during the day to relieve some of the tension on the neck. Lie down for about 40 minutes once every three hours. Do not lay down for long periods of time, as atrophy and stiffness are increased by inactivity.
Take a hot bath to help relieve tension caused by neck injury. Rest in the bath for about 30 minutes to allow the heat to seep into the muscles and grant neck pain relief. Add several drops of a relaxing essential oil such as lavender, if desired, to further reduce neck muscle pain.
Wrap a towel that has been soaked in hot water around your neck to reduce neck muscle pain. Refresh the heat by soaking it in more hot water as it cools. Heat is instrumental in neck pain treatment and helps relax and soothe sore, tired muscles.
Fill a Ziploc bag with ice and hold it against the affected area to treat neck muscle pain. Hold the bag in place for 5 to 10 minutes and the ice will cool down the muscles and reduce both swelling and pain. Some people find cold more effective than heat, but use the one that works best for you.
Go to a licensed professional and have a massage performed. Relax and enjoy the massage, which will release tension and alleviate neck muscle pain. Do not allow an amateur to perform a massage, as they usually do more harm than good.