How to Cure Stomach Aches & Sore Necks
Things You'll Need
- Bath towel
- Peppermint (tea or candy)
- Heating pd
- Pain reliever
Cure For Stomach Aches
Keep a food diary. The most common source of stomach trouble is improper diet. By taking account of the food that you eat throughout the day and when your aches occur, you may find that a particular food item is the culprit.
Limit your amount of dairy intake. Dairy foods are often a source of stomach discomfort for people who are lactose intolerant. If this is the case for you, consider consuming some malunggay extract immediately before ingesting milk or cheese.
Take over-the-counter medications to relieve stomach pain. Drugs such as GasX and Pepto Bismal are designed to alleviate stomach pains associated with things such as gas or indigestion.
Take some peppermint. Peppermint tea or even peppermint candies contain naturally soothing ingredients that can help with stomach aches.
Cure for Sore Neck
Sleep on your back. Sleeping on your side and especially your stomach can result in improper neck support ,which produces unneeded stress on your neck muscles. For additional support, roll up a bath towel and place it behind your neck.
Sit only in chairs that provide good back support. The back and neck are intimately connected and anything that places added stress on the back will effect the neck as well.
Improve your posture. Slouching can bring your back and neck out of alignment and can strain your neck muscles.
Apply a heating pad to the area that is sore. This should be done three times a day for approximately 10 minutes at a time. The heat helps to relax the muscles in the neck and can speed up the healing process if your neck pain is due to a strain.
Take a pain reliever. While this method won't treat the source of the pain , it may temporarily relieve some of the symptoms that you are experiencing.