How can scoliosis get worse if i have a 33 degree case?
1. Curve progression: Scoliosis is a progressive condition, meaning that the curve can worsen over time. This is especially true for curves that are diagnosed in childhood or adolescence, when the spine is still growing.
2. Growth spurts: Scoliosis can progress rapidly during growth spurts, when the spine is undergoing rapid changes.
3. Weak muscles: Weak back muscles can contribute to the progression of scoliosis. When the muscles are not strong enough to support the spine, it can cause the spine to curve.
4. Gravity: Gravity can also play a role in the progression of scoliosis. When standing or sitting, the weight of the body can put pressure on the spine and cause it to curve.
5. Other factors: There are other factors that can contribute to the progression of scoliosis, such as genetics, gender, and certain medical conditions.
If you have a 33-degree curve, it is important to be monitored by a doctor to track the progression of the curve and to discuss treatment options. Treatment for scoliosis can include observation, bracing, and surgery, depending on the severity of the curve and the individual patient's needs.