What could a small hard immovable lump that can be felt just inside the nostril along bone connected to your jaw and is very painful be?
1. Nasal Furuncle: A nasal furuncle, also known as a boil, is a bacterial infection of the hair follicle or oil gland in the nose. It can appear as a red, swollen, and tender lump that can be quite painful.
2. Nasal Vestibulitis: Nasal vestibulitis is an inflammation of the skin inside the nostril, often caused by a bacterial infection. It can lead to the formation of a small, painful lump or crust within the nostril.
3. Osteoma: An osteoma is a benign, slow-growing bone tumor that can develop in the nasal cavity or sinuses. It can sometimes be felt as a hard lump and may cause pain or discomfort.
4. Dental Infection: In some cases, a dental infection, such as an abscessed tooth, can spread to the bone and cause pain and swelling in the jaw area. This may also be associated with a lump-like feeling inside the nostril.
5. Cancer: Rarely, a small, hard lump in the nasal cavity could be a sign of cancer, such as squamous cell carcinoma or adenocarcinoma. This is more likely in individuals with a history of smoking or exposure to certain carcinogens.
It is important to consult with a healthcare professional, such as an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist or a dentist, to accurately diagnose the cause of the lump and receive appropriate treatment. They may recommend further evaluation, such as imaging tests or biopsies, to determine the exact nature of the lump and rule out any serious underlying conditions.
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