Physiotherapy Management for Neck Pain
A physiotherapist can help treat neck, back and shoulder pain. Physiotherapy can help treat stiffness and discomfort, improve recovery time and promote blood flow. Physiotherapists can help to assess areas of improvement and provide treatment options for neck pain and other medical conditions.
A physiotherapist can provide an assessment or examination to help determine the source of pain and its behavior in the body. The location of the pain and how it behaves can provide an understanding of the underlying physiological problem and provide a treatment plan.
Physiotherapy can help create an appropriate exercise regimen, improve the nerve function, correct poor posture and develop the muscles of the cervical spine. There are a few common exercises for physiotherapy and neck pain that will most likely be employed as part of your treatment.
Neck flexion is a method in which the chin moves toward the chest so you stare down toward the floor. This should be done slowly, several times and help someone stare down toward the floor. This method of exercise helps loosen the neck muscles which may become tight or shortened. This can prevent the neck from moving properly.
You can also conduct side flexions by keeping your head straightforward and tipping your ear toward the shoulder on the same side. It is to maintain posture and not lift your chin up too high. If you do side flexions incorrectly, it can cause problems in the neck joints and reduce range of motion.
The extension of the neck allows the head to go back so that you look up toward the ceiling. It is important to conduct this movement slowly so that the small joints are not forced into an uncomfortable position, thereby increasing your pain. If you feel dizzy, do not proceed with this exercise, as blood flow may be compromised.
Turn your head slowly to one head side and then slowly to the other side. Hold your neck steady for a few seconds on each side. Simple rotation back and forth can help maintain the mobility or movement of your head.
If you become dizzy, lightheaded or have pain, it is important to avoid these exercises and consider alternative treatment or physical therapy. Before beginning any neck physiotherapy program, speak with your physician to make sure that you begin the exercises slowly to avoid further complications or injury.