Exercises for Cervical Spine Surgery
Crunches are extremely beneficial. They work your chest, back, abs and neck. Start by lying on the floor with your arms crossed on your chest. Bend your knees and keep your feet flat. Lift your upper back off of the floor. Your abdominal muscles should be doing much of the work, but your back will also do some lifting. Carefully bring your chin to your chest as you come up. This will stretch your neck and work the muscles. Slowly lower yourself to the ground, inhaling on the way down. Do 10 of these a day to start, and then work up to 20 or more.
Leg Lifts
Leg raises help work your back, your legs, and even your neck. Lie on your stomach on a comfortable mat. Spread your feet for the width of the mat. Put your hands behind your head. If your neck hurts, put your hands behind your back. Lift your legs in the air while lifting your head off of the mat. Jut your chin forward as you lift. Only lift your neck as far as you feel comfortable. Lift your legs at least 6 inches off the ground. Once you're in this pose, hold it for 10 seconds. Slowly lower your legs and chin back to the ground. Rest for five seconds and then lift again. Hold for another 10 seconds. Do this 10 times, eventually doing 20 as you strengthen.
Bridge Pose
The bridge pose should only be attempted once you have mastered some easier exercises. The bridge pose starts by lying on your stomach. Prop your upper body up on your elbows. Tuck your chin down toward your chest and hold. Carefully stand up on your toes. Lift your chin to keep your face looking straight down at the ground. Use your abs and back to hold yourself up in this pose. Breathe deeply to make the pose easier. Relax and slowly count to 10. Lower yourself to the ground after 10 counts and relax for five. Stretch your neck by taking your chin back to your chest. Lift yourself again in the same position and hold for another 10 seconds. Only do this pose as often as you feel comfortable.