Whiplash & Chronic Neck Pain

Whiplash is an injury to the neck, also referred to as neck strain or neck sprain. The disorder normally occurs during an automobile accident in which the neck is whipped forward then backwards. Soft tissues in the neck are damaged and may cause chronic neck pain for months or years.
  1. Causes

    • When the neck is whipped, or jerked violently forward then back, muscles and ligaments are strained beyond their normal range, resulting in damage. The whiplash may be caused from car accidents, roller coaster or other amusement park rides, being shaken or from sports injuries.


    • Whiplash and chronic neck pain symptoms include neck pain that may be felt immediately after an accident or several days later. Other symptoms include neck stiffness, headache, pain in shoulder, arm, jaw and back, fatigue, dizziness, ringing in the ears and sensations like burning or prickling. Chronic neck pain can also lead to depression, stress, dependence on pain killers, difficulty sleeping, anger and anxiety.


    • Your doctor may take an X-ray of your neck and back to see if any bone damage has occurred. An MRI will reveal any soft tissue damage to the neck.


    • Treatment for chronic neck pain may include wearing a soft cervical collar around the neck for a few weeks. The collar provides support to the neck and limits any additional damage to neck tissues. Over-the-counter pain relievers may be recommended for mild neck pain, and prescription pain medications will be given for severe neck pain. Muscle relaxants may be prescribed to relax stiffened neck muscles.


    • Physical therapy may be used to help you wean off the cervical collar. A physical therapist will show you correct exercises to help strengthen muscles and provide flexibility to the neck.
      Patients suffering from chronic neck pain may become frustrated and depressed. Counseling and anti-depressants may be recommended to help deal with the effects of chronic pain.


    • Make sure the head rest in your car is positioned correctly for your height. Your head may extend backwards even farther if the head rest is positioned lower than the level of your head, resulting in further damage.

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