What Are the Treatments for a Cervical Disc?
Treating a Herniated Cervical Disc with Medication
Individuals with a mild cervical disc herniation may only need to take pain medication while they heal. According to Princeton Brain and Spine Care, anti-inflammatory medication can help reduce inflammation associated with a herniated cervical disc. Typically these can be obtained over-the-counter. Prescription muscle relaxers can help reduce muscle spasms associated with cervical herniated disc and this will help to relieve pain. When pain is severe, narcotic pain relievers may be prescribed.
Drug Free Treatments for Herniated Cervical Disc
Applying heat and cold to a herniated disc within the first 24 to 48 hours can help reduce the amount of pain felt by an individual. In some cases, physical therapy will be required for an individual suffering from a herniated disc. Physical therapy will use massage and gentle stretching to help loosen up the muscles, decrease pain and improve flexibility. Individuals with a herniated cervical disc may need to wear a brace or even require traction.
Anterior Cervical Discectomy
Typically, physicians will use surgical procedures only if non-surgical treatments do not help an individual with a herniated cervical disk. The most common surgical procedure for a herniated cervical disk is an anterior cervical disectomy. This procedure helps relieve pain and pressure by removing the damaged cervical disc and replacing the disc with a bone graft.
Recovering from a Herniated Disc
Regardless of whether an individual requires surgical or non-surgical treatment for a herniated cervical disc, it is important that he begins moving slowly after treatment begins. Individuals with a herniated cervical disc should discuss increasing movement and improving flexibility. Pain relievers are often used to treat pain as long as it remains severe.
Preventing a Herniated Cervical Disc
While herniated cervical discs can not always be avoided, there are measures that can be taken to help decrease an individual's likelihood of being injured. Exercises that help to improve spinal and back strength are beneficial. It also important that proper posture be maintained as improper posture may contribute to the development of a cervical herniated disc. Individuals doing heavy lifting should make sure to do so properly to avoid injury.
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