Types of Cervical Spine Surgery
Cervical Spine Surgery Causes
The most common causes of cervical spine surgery include disc compression, herniated discs and spinal stenosis which lead to narrowing of the spinal column.
Anterior Cervical Fusion
An anterior (front) cervical fusion is performed using x-ray guidance entering with an incision in the front of the neck. A discetomy is performed to remove the affected disc and replaced with a bone graft and hardware if required.
Cervical Corpectomy and Strut Graft
A cervical corpectomy uses x-ray guidance and is similar to the anterior cervical fusion. The main difference is the corpectomy removes the vertebrae and discs and replaces them with a strut (bone graft taken from hip or fibula).
Posterior Cervical Fusion
A posterior (back) cervical fusion is performed with an incision in the back of the neck. A bone graft is placed in the problematic area of the cervical region and can be used in combination with rods, screws and pins for added security.
Recovery after a cervical spine surgery will take approximately five weeks. A physician will monitor the patient's mobility and limitations.