Cervical Nerve Irritation & Pain
Cervical Region Basics
The cervical region or neck area runs from the base of the skull to the shoulder and forms the uppermost seven vertebrae or spinal bones. Your neck supports and allows movement of your head. Nerves stemming from this area control the function and sensory abilities of your shoulders, arms and hands in addition to your head, face and neck region.
Causes of Cervical Problems
Problems in the cervical area can be caused by injury or sprains and strains to the neck muscles. Symptoms of neck tightness or stiffness can also occur from poor positioning, overuse and muscular problems such as spasms or trigger points. Vertebral abnormalities such as arthritic or structural changes, disc herniations or spinal stenosis, the narrowing of the space in the spine, can also result in pressure of your spinal column or nerves.
Cervical Nerve Irritation and Pain
Cervical nerve irritation and pain can occur when one of the eight nerves of your neck become impinged or restricted. Pinched nerve pain can range from a general discomfort or tightness to pins and needles to a sharp, shooting sensation. Due to the nerve pathways, pain can be felt in the neck, anywhere in the head or face region, or it can radiate into your shoulders and travel to the arms, elbows or hands. A general weakness in these areas may also occur. A pinched nerve at the fifth vertebra for example, can cause symptoms in your shoulder, whereas a problem at the seventh vertebra can create symptoms down into the hand and even the middle finger.
Management of Cervical Nerve Irritation and Pain
Cervical nerve irritation and pain can last several weeks. The first step in treatment is to determine the area of impingement and decrease the inflammation or swelling that could be causing the symptoms. Utilizing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications and techniques to release muscular tightness may ease symptoms. In severe cases, the use of steroid injections may be necessary to control inflammation to allow the nerve to heal.
Prevention of Cervical Nerve Irritation and Pain
Preventing cervical nerve irritation is the best way to prevent pain symptoms. Proper neck alignment along with a general neck stretching program will aid in prevention. Practicing stress management techniques and utilizing hands-on therapy options such as massage therapy may also ease muscular tension that may contribute to pinched nerve pain.