Remedies for Sore Neck Muscles
Determine the Cause
While most neck pain doesn't last for a long time, warns that if it lasts more than a few weeks, it could be a chronic disorder and a physician should be consulted. Your doctor may order tests, such as an MRI or a CT scan. Your doctor may think that your sore neck muscles would benefit from physical therapy administered by a qualified professional. reports that although, most times, sore neck muscles can be remedied with simple home care, preventing the issue from returning can be as simple as determining the cause. For example, poor posture can cause sore neck muscles, especially for those who spend hours at a desk using a computer.
Purchasing a headset for your telephone can offer relief if you spend a fair amount of time on the phone and are in the habit of holding the phone by pressing it between your ear and your shoulder in order to keep your hands lists among the many reasons for possible neck pain sleeping on a pillow that is too thick. This can cause sore neck muscles. Evaluate your pillow to see if it could be the culprit and investigate the many pillows designed to help people with neck pain.
Topical Remedies
One of the most commonly asked questions when one is experiencing sore neck muscles is, "Should I apply heat or cold?" The answer depends upon the particular circumstance. Ice can decrease inflammation. It is suggested that ice be applied for fifteen minutes several times a day to reduce swelling.
Heat will increase circulation and ease stiff muscles. There are numerous air-activated self-adhesive heat wraps available that sufferers can wear. These products continually keep warmth on the affected area for up to eight hours and can be very effective in fighting sore neck muscles. says that most neck-pain sufferers can find some relief from massage, appropriate exercise and stretching. However, choose your exercises carefully. You do not want to make the problem worse. It is suggested that you consult a qualified professional before pursuing this course of action.
Oral Remedies
- recommends that, if the sore neck muscles do not appear to require the attention of a medical professional, an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication be used to relieve the pain. Popular choices include ibuprofen, acetaminophen and aspirin. Always follow the package instructions for these or any medicines.