How to Stop a Neck Ache Fast
Take a hot shower. Use water as hot as you can stand and allow it to beat down on your neck for at least 15 minutes to loosen muscles.
Take some ibuprofen to help reduce the swelling of muscles in your neck and shoulders and to help alleviate any neck pain.
Use an ice pack on your sore neck for 15 minutes and then apply a heating pad for 15 minutes. Repeat this for 1 hour.
Rub sports cream or Icy Hot on your neck to help penetrate deep into your muscles and begin to relieve neck soreness.
Use a rolled up towel under the back of your neck to support it during sleep. Sleep on a firm mattress preferably flat on your back.
Apply a medicated patch such as ones created by Icy Hot on your sore neck to get pain relief. Buy enough to last you at least 5 days. Follow the directions carefully.