Bulging Disc in Neck Exercises
Therapy Ball
Help your neck by using a therapy ball such as those found in gyms and some chiropractors' offices. Sit on the ball and simply bounce up and down gently for four minutes each day. This exercise brings oxygen and nutrients into the injured disc by physically pumping it. Bouncing on the ball pumps every disc in the spine.
Purchase and use a mini-trampoline (3 to 4 feet wide). Stand in its center and just walk in place without jumping or running. Be sure to keep your head straight and your arms relaxed at your side. Maintain this regimen for four minutes every day. Keep the trampoline near something that you can grab onto in case you lose your balance.
Tai Chi
Take a class in, or learn, the Oriental exercise called Tai Chi. This exercise was created in ancient China and is still practiced around the world today. It includes slow, smooth movements that improve physical alignment and flexibility of the vertebra, including those around the injured area. Deliberate, rhythmic breathing during the exercise relaxes the body and helps bring better circulation. That promotes the healing process. Meditation promotes a calm state of mind during the exercise and, along with the smooth movements and rhythmic breathing, can help relieve stress caused by psychological and emotional pain.
When you find a bulging disc in your neck, check with your physician for its possible cause as well as proper initial treatment. Avoid exercises that would subject the disc to strain, stress or undue trauma.