Massage for Neck Pain Relief
Neck pain occurs when soft tissue is damaged from inflammation, infections, stress and injuries from sports or auto accidents. Luckily, there are various massages for neck pain relief that will reduce inflammation and swelling caused by an acute injury.
Do Ice Massage
You can do ice massage at home to reduce neck pain. Ice massages numb tissue and reduce swelling and inflammation that result from injury. You can use an ice back, large ice cubes or freeze water in a plastic cup, then rub the ice mass in a circular motion over the painful area, staying away from the bony part of the neck. You only need to massage the area for about five minutes three or four times a day to reduce inflammation, though you can use an ice pack for a little longer---15 to 20 minutes three or four times a day.
Make sure to have a towel handy to soak up the water caused by melting ice.
Get Therapeutic Massage
Schedule a 30- or 60-minute session with a licensed massage therapist. These professionals help ease neck pain by massaging muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue, which results in an increased range of motion after the session.
Massage therapists typically use massage oils in addition to ice and heat to maximize the effects. Get a massage three times a week until neck pain subsides and continue getting massages at least once a week as a preventative measure.
Try Reflexology
Visit a licensed reflexologist, as reflexology relieves neck pain caused by stress. Dr. Nicole Nisly, head of the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Contemporary and Alternative Medicine Clinic, says reflexology relieves stress and tension, improves nerve functions and increases circulation. Reflexologists find pressure points on the hands, feet and earlobes that correspond with a specific body part, then gently massages them. You can also purchase books about reflexology to relieve neck pain at home.