Non-Surgical Treatment for a C-5 Herniated Disc

Herniated discs can happen in any part of your spine and cause pain, stiffness and difficulty moving. In severe cases, surgery might be your only recourse to find relief. Before performing surgery, your doctor might recommend an array of non-surgical treatment options that can provide relief for the symptoms caused by a herniated disc.
  1. The Facts

    • Your spine is made up of bones called vertebrae and the intervetebral discs in between them. These discs are flat and round and act as a cushion between vertebrae and as a shock absorber for the spine. When a disc herniates, part of it bulges out of place and can put pressure on the spinal cord. With a herniated C-5 disc you may experience symptoms like neck pain, weakness in your arms and numbness in your upper arms and thumbs. Non-surgical treatment options for a herniated C-5 disc include pain management, physical therapy and injections of medication.


    • Over-the-counter pain and anti-inflammatory medications can offer relief from the pain caused by a herniated C-5 disc. Such medications include aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen. If these medications are not strong enough to alleviate your pain, your doctor can prescribe a more powerful narcotic pain reliever for a short time. Some people experience muscle spasms with a herniated disc. If this happens to you, a prescription for muscle relaxants may be a part of your non-surgical treatment.

    Physical Therapy

    • Physical therapy will not specifically treat the problem of a herniated C-5 disc, but it will help strengthen the muscles that support the back and spine and relieve pressure on the disc. This helps to alleviate pain and prevent future disc problems. Your doctor can show you exercises that will not put further strain on your spine. She can also recommend ways to properly perform activities from walking to lifting objects to sitting that will help you take better care of your spine.


    • For persistent pain that is not fading over time or improved by physical therapy, your doctor can perform epidural injections as another non-surgical form of treatment. He can inject corticosteroid medication into your back near the herniated C-5 disc. This will reduce swelling near the disc. This relieves symptoms including pain and weakness in your muscles. Injections are usually performed over time as outpatient procedures.

    Other Treatments

    • Other non-surgical treatments for a herniated C-5 disk include rest, immobilization and time. When the pain first begins, a few days of rest when you are not putting any strain on your neck and back can be helpful. Some doctors recommend immobilizing the neck in a flexed forward position. This reduces pressure on nerve roots and can reduce pain. Time can be the best treatment. Ninety-five percent of patients with herniated disks recover over time without surgery.

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