Treatments for Pinched Nerves in the Neck
The first thing you should do is rest the area. Find a lying or sitting position that doesn't cause your neck to hurt. Take ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) or naproxen (Alleve) to reduce pain and inflammation of the area. Place a warm heating pad on the area for about 10 to 15 minutes. Refrain from strenuous activity until your symptoms clear up. If your condition has not improved after two to three days, contact your family doctor.
Medicine and Physical Therapy
If your symptoms haven't improved after several days of self-treatment, your doctor can investigate the cause of the pinched nerve in your neck. Your physician probably will prescribe some stronger pain medications or even a muscle relaxer. These medications can make you more comfortable while the healing process occurs. Your doctor also can refer you to other specialists such as a physical therapist who can assist you in stretching and exercising the area to promote healing. A chiropractor is another type of specialist who physical manipulates your neck and spine to promote proper alignment.
If spinal damage is causing your pain, you may be a candidate for neck surgery. Surgery that is performed on the neck for the purpose of relieving pressure and pain due to spinal problems is called cervical surgery. There are several different forms of cervical surgery. Your surgeon may remove part of a disc that is injured, or he may remove the entire disc. The surgeon also may fuse other bones together in your neck. Once your surgery is done, you will be advised on several ways to help your neck heal. Keep your weight in a healthy range, and practice good posture so that you aren't adding undue stress to your back, neck and shoulder areas. You may have to wear a supportive neck collar for a period of time. You also may have to visit a physical therapist who will help you to perform exercises and stretches that will strengthen and protect your neck, shoulder and back muscles.