Neck Relaxing Exercises
Neck exercises are beneficial for everyone. According to the University of Maryland Environmental Safety Division, not only do relaxation techniques loosen tense muscles, but they keep your neck strong and flexible. Remember to do each of these conditioning exercises very slowly, in five to 10 reps each, and try to do each of them three times a day.
The neck tilt exercise consists of slowly lowering your chin to your chest, then slowly tilting your head backward until you are looking at the ceiling. Bring your neck to an upright position. Then slowly lower your ear toward your right shoulder, then your left. Don't force this exercise, and don't try to touch your ear to each shoulder; just do it as far as you can without pain.
Rotating your neck is a wonderful relaxation technique. Sit up straight in your chair and gently look to each side. You will feel a gradual pull; don't over extend, and then turn your head to the other side. Repeat the recommended reps.
Resistance exercises are also great for strengthening the neck muscles and adding flexibility. Place your hand on the side of your head. As you bring your neck toward your shoulder, resist this movement with your hand and hold for a count of five. Repeat with the other side. Do these reps five to 10 times each and repeat three times a day. Forward resistance exercises can be done by placing both hands on your forehead. Try to move your head forward gently to your chest. Do the backward resistances the same way, only this time place both hands on the back of your head and slowly tilt it backward. Resist the movement with your hands. As with the other resistance movements, hold for a count of five.
Additional Treatments
The best way to keep neck pain from recurring is to strengthen it with exercise; but if you are suffering now, there are additional treatments that will help quickly. According to the Mayo Clinic, alternating heat and ice can aid in healing neck inflammation. It recommends applying heat or cold packs for 20 minutes at a time, four or five times a day.
Over-the-counter pain relief medicines, such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen and aspirin, can help your pain. Over-the-counter pain creams with camphor or menthol can be beneficial as well.
Massage therapy is very helpful for those suffering from neck pain. The total relaxation you receive is great for your whole body.
Your neck cannot truly relax as long as it is supporting your head. Therefore, unless you are lying flat in bed with your neck in alignment with your spine, or sitting and looking straight ahead, your neck muscles are working. Neck pain is often a result of keeping your head tilted downward while working at your desk or on your computer. Adjust your keyboard and computer monitor for good neck posture. Sometimes just stacking a couple of books under your monitor will raise it to the correct height.