Fibromyalgia Neck & Back Pain
Fibromyalgia is chronic, non-life threatening pain that affects the body's muscles and is usually accompanied by fatigue, weakness and other symptoms. Estimates indicate that 10 million Americans and up to 5 percent of the world's population suffer from fibromyalgia. The condition is significantly more prevalent among women, and often has a genetic component. Other risk factors for fibromyalgia include sleep disorders, rheumatic disease and old age. Because there are no lab tests that can diagnose fibromyalgia, doctors use patient histories and an examination of specific points on the body to make a diagnosis.
Fibromyalgia pain occurs at 11 or more of the specific points that doctors examine when diagnosing fibromyalgia. These areas are called "tender points." Patients with fibromyalgia will experience significant pain even when tender points are pressed lightly. The neck and back contain 10 of the 18 tender points on the body, which helps explain why fibromyalgia-related neck and back pain is such a common ailment.
The causes of fibromyalgia neck and back pain are still unknown. There are correlations with genetic history and physical or mental illnesses, including chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Recent research suggests that fibromyalgia is caused by a disruption in the nervous system that alters the regulation of chemicals in the brain, which increases pain perception. Increased pain can lead to stress and anxiety, which can cause even more pain and create a vicious cycle.
Fibromyalgia neck and back pain can greatly hinder your day-to-day activities. Mobility becomes limited because the neck and back muscles are involved in many body movements. The pain can disrupt sleep, leaving the patient feeling constantly tired and sleep-deprived. Fibromyalgia neck and back pain can also cause you to become less active and unhealthy. Decreased physical fitness can contribute to fatigue, and the worsening symptoms of this spiral often affect patients emotionally. Additional stress can come from others' lack of understanding, since the symptoms of fibromyalgia are mostly invisible. Clearly, fibromyalgia neck and back pain can negatively affect many aspects of patients' lives.
There is no cure for fibromyalgia, but treatments can help alleviate neck and back pain. Doctors commonly prescribe pain-relieving drugs and antidepressants. Antidepressants can improve sleep and treat the depression that might accompany fibromyalgia. You can also consult your physician about creating a sleep regimen that can help you feel more rested, or seek physical therapy to reduce neck and back pain in your muscles. Fibromyalgia patients can also benefit from psychological treatment, including counseling and support groups.