Neck Muscle Problems

Muscle problems are not only painful, they can also be debilitating. Muscle problems can leave many people struggling to lead a normal life or, even worse, make them immobile. Strains of the neck muscles can be life-altering for some people, possibly requiring medical care, physical therapy or even surgery. Neck muscle trauma and pain could even be the reason someone has to give up his desk job.
  1. What Are Neck Muscle Problems?

    • The neck muscle is a very sensitive muscle. It has a big responsibility of carrying the weight of the head as well as helping to keep the spine aligned correctly. When the neck muscles are strained or injured, this causes pain. It is even possible that this pain may even travel down the spine in a "waterfall effect."

    Causes of Neck Muscle Problems

    • There are many things that cause trauma or neck pain. Some problems are simple, while others are more traumatic and can be brought on by more devastating problems, such as car accidents or other injuries. A simple twist of the neck muscle can cause a great deal of pain. Sleeping on your neck wrong, sitting in one position too long or even talking on the phone can also lead to neck muscle problems. When you hold the phone between your ear and neck too long, you can develop neck muscle problems this way.

    Warnings With Neck Muscle Problems

    • Some people tend to just deal with neck pain. They may try to think of some small injury they had that caused the pain, but the truth is that it could be more serious. If the pain does not go away in a sufficient amount of time, you should get it looked at by a doctor as it could be something more serious, such as a slipped disc. Disc problems in the neck can be serious, as well as excruciatingly painful. Sometimes disc problems require surgery to correct.

    Treatments for Neck Muscle Problems

    • For many problems related to the neck, doctors will prescribe warm, moist heat or icing of the area. Regular heat will help loosen the muscles and get them to function normally. Sometimes, with more serious injuries, physical therapy may be what is needed. Physical therapy may include warm sitz baths that help reduce any swelling of the muscles and loosen the muscle up so that the range of motion is restored.

    Prevention of Neck Muscle Problems

    • Prevention of neck muscle problems can be simple. It can be as simple as exercising your neck muscles by rotating them regularly. Do not sit in one position too long as doing so can stiffen neck muscles. Sleep on a pillow that is designed for better neck care and cradles your neck it in a healthy position. Always wear your seat belt in the car so that you have better protection in an accident. Learn how to walk properly to aid in good posture for your neck. And do not strain the neck by holding a phone with your neck muscles for too long.

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