Types of Neck Braces
Neck braces, also called orthotics, are a type of medical brace used in supporting the neck muscles, head and vertebrae bones. This type of brace is created by an orthotist who is a medical practitioner specializing in making molded braces, fitting and guidance to proper use. Neck braces are one of many types of medical brace which can be worn to help keep the spine aligned.
There are four categories of neck brace: soft collar, cervical collar, SOMI and Halo brace. The soft collar brace is a foam collar worn around the neck. These braces, made for easy removal or application, are a transition piece between a rigid brace and no brace. The cervical collar comes in either rigid or semi-rigid form. These are plastic and metal neck braces supporting the chin and the back of the head. These type of braces restrict head motion and some have extensions supporting the spine.
A SOMI (Sterno-Occipital Mandibular Immobilizer) is the brace used to keep the neck in a straight line. This brace restricts bending or twisting of the neck. The Halo device is the most rigid of neck braces. This is the brace with the pins drilled into the skull and attached to a metal ring circling the head. The brace is attached to four posts which are connected to a vest worn by the patient.
The general reason for a neck brace to be authorized would be for one of three things: to immobilize the spine during healing, to stabilize the injured area and to control pain by the restricting of movement. The severity of the injury will determine the type of brace used. If you have a simple sprain or sore muscle, a soft collar or cervical collar would be used. If you have a spinal injury, or the possibility of a broken spine, a brace which makes the neck immobile will be used to reduce further injury.
When you are advised that you will be needing a neck brace, many considerations will be looked at to determine the type of neck brace you will use, and at what stage in your healing. Many times you may go through more than one type as your health improves. Another consideration, especially at the time of injury, is the mobility of the spine and the weight limits required for support.