Shoulder and Neck Pain Causes
Emotional stress is one of the leading causes of neck and shoulder pain. This is because stress causes your muscles to tense up and contract, which leaves them feeling stiff and sore. It is important to take at least one hour out of each day to relax, meditate or do something enjoyable for you. Jump into a bubble bath, read a good book or even watch your favorite television show.
Muscle Strain
A vigorous workout and heavy lifting can cause pulled muscles in the neck and shoulders. To prevent pain in this area when working out, know your ultimate limit and do not push yourself beyond that point. You should especially follow this rule if you are weight training. The risk of tearing a muscle is not worth it and will leave you with very sore and stiff muscles. This also applies to moving heavy items either on your own time or at work. Always be cautious when lifting heavy objects and never hesitate to ask somebody for help.
Sleeping in a bad position can cause you to wake up with a crick in the neck, which is a common cause of neck and shoulder pain. People experience pain in these areas more often when they sleep on their stomach with their heads turned to one side. While a few days of muscle pain may not seem like a big deal, sleeping in this position over the course of several years can cause spine damage. This, in turn, will ultimately cause more severe neck and shoulder pain.
Poor Posture
People with poor posture often experience neck and shoulder pain on a daily basis. Poor posture usually means a hunched back or uneven stance. When someone stands this way, the spine is not in the upright position. As a result, the neck sits in an unnatural position, which causes cramping in the shoulder and neck region. By improving your posture you can eliminate a significant amount of stress placed on this area of the body.
Sitting at a Desk
People who spend hours sitting in front of a computer all day will often have neck and shoulder pain because computer monitors are rarely aligned with the person's eyes. This means that the person must tilt their head up or down to see the screen which in turn puts an enormous amount of stress on the neck. Adjust the monitor so the center of it is level with your eyes when sitting in an upright position.