Symptoms of Chronic Neck Pain

Chronic neck pain would be characterized as pain or discomfort within the neck that lasts for extended periods of time (longer than six months) or is a recurrent and persistent problem, coming and going with some regularity. When you are suffering from this condition, there are a number of symptoms to tell you if this is the nature of your particular pain.
  1. Pain

    • The most common symptom of chronic neck pain would be any sort of pain, ranging from a throbbing discomfort to a shooting ache, within the neck for longer than six months.


    • Many times, you'll also suffer from a certain level of stiffness within the neck as you experience this chronic neck pain.

    Shoulder Pain

    • You may also begin to notice, especially as the problem persists, that the pain can spread down into the shoulders, as the muscles within this area of the body try to compensate for those in the neck.

    Back Pain

    • Since no two people react the same way to pain, chronic neck pain may also bring about some pain running down your back. Much like shoulder pain, this back pain is essentially a result of these muscles trying to compensate for those in the neck.


    • Sometimes, the chronic neck pain can be so severe that you may begin to experience change in your mobility, in that you may lose some of the range in motion within your neck.


    • Depending on how your body reacts to the chronic neck pain, it may also create tension in your jaw, prompting a headache.

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