Cramping Neck Pain With Radicular Symptoms
Typical Treatment
People with cervical radiculopathy are usually treated with physical therapy or a neck collar.
Surgery can be necessary if the cramping neck pain does not respond to treatment.
Cervical Collars Concern
A study published in a 2008 issue of "Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine" showed that cervical collars for radiculopathy can have negative effects if worn for too long. Lengthy immobilization can cause atrophy.
Psychological Approaches
Rehabilitation including psychological therapy to teach coping strategies, along with physical remedies, is a recommended approach, according to a 2001 study in "Disability Rehabilitation".
Cervical Roll Pillow
Some people find relief from cramping neck pain with radicular symptoms by using a cervical roll pillow, which provides a natural curve for the cervical spine.