How to Relieve a Stiff Neck
Relieve the pressure on the muscles in your neck by wearing a cervical brace. Additionally, place a supportive pillow under your neck while you sleep.
Use heat therapy to remove the discomfort of a stiff neck. Take a hot shower, or place a heated compress around your neck.
Ask someone to massage your neck gently.
Be aware of your posture. Chronic slouching, standing and sitting incorrectly all can lead to frequent neck pain.
Take a pain reliever, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, which can help reduce the swelling in your neck and minimize any pain.
Seek medical advice. For neck pain that does not resolve in 24 hours, a trip to the doctor may be in order to rule out any serious injury.
Relax. Those who are frequently stressed often experience more neck pain than those who can find balance in their lives. Try meditative exercises and practice deep breathing, both techniques of yoga, to help alleviate a stiff neck.
Close the window. Cold drafts can cause the muscles of the neck to become stiff. Try keeping the windows closed while you sleep, and wear a light scarf around your neck when the weather is cool.