Rehabilitation Exercises for the Neck
Chin Tuck
Sit or stand upright with your back straight and your shoulders arched slightly back. Keeping your gaze forward, slowly use your fingers to press your chin down until you feel a moderate stretching sensation along the back of the neck. Hold the stretch for up to five seconds and then repeat the process nine more times. Although the stretching sensation should be noticeable, it should not trigger any neck or joint pain beyond what you may have experienced before beginning the exercise.
Neck Rotation
Neck rotation uses flexion, a way of bending a joint that decreases its angle. Clasp your hands behind your head and gradually turn your head to the right. The unrestricted weight of your arms will lower your chin toward the right side of your chest. Hold this pose for 15 seconds. Repeat this exercise two more times. Repeat the entire exercise again, turning your head to the left.
Scalene Stretch
Some neck muscles extend as far down as the ribcage. Sitting upright, link both hands behind your back. Lower your left shoulder and tilt your head to the right. Hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds and then return to your starting position. Repeat the exercise again, lowering your right shoulder and tilting your head to the left.
Scapular Squeeze
Lower your chin slightly and extend your shoulders backward. Sit or stand with your arms to the side and gently squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold this position for five seconds. Repeat this process nine more times. This exercise strengthens both the neck and upper back.
Shoulder Roll
Sit or stand upright with arms at your sides. Shrug your shoulders upward and then roll your shoulders in a circular motion. Continue rolling your shoulders in a circular motion. This exercise soothes the neck muscles attached to the shoulders. Repeated this exercise for 20 to 30 seconds. The direction of the roll can also be reversed to maximize the effect of the exercise.
Static Extension
Sit or stand upright, arms at your side and shoulders back. In this exercise, the hand is used as a force of resistance. Place your hand at the back of your head and then, keeping eyes and nose forward, slowly press your head back against your hand. Hold this position for three seconds. Repeat the exercise nine more times.