How to Use a Pneumatic Neck Brace
Twist open the deflation knob on the hand pump attached to your device to ensure that it is fully deflated. Wrap the deflated pneumatic brace around your neck so that the
Velcro strips meet at the front and the curved shape is cradling the back of your neck.
Strap the Velcro strips together and twist the deflation knob closed. Sit in a chair with your back lined straight with the back of the chair and look at a focus point in front of you.
Squeeze the air pump 10 to 15 times until you begin to feel a little stretching in the neck area, and the back of the brace is inflated enough to allow you to lean your head back on it.
Take a deep, relaxing breath and slowly squeeze the pump 15 to 20 more times so that you feel the muscles stretching more and a slight amount of pressure is applied to muscles. At this point you should be able to loosen muscles and let the brace hold your head up.
Sit with relaxed muscles in the brace for five minutes. If you begin to feel any new pain, let the device deflate. Repeat these steps twice a day for a week, then you can do them three times a day for periods of 10 to 15 minutes.