How to Fill a Mediflow Water Pillow
Things You'll Need
- Mediflow water pillow
- Multipurpose tool (comes with pillow)
- Pitcher of water
Use the multipurpose tool that came with your pillow to remove the watertight cap. The cap and valve are located on the underside of your Mediflow pillow, a few inches away from the left edge. Place the bottom base of the tool into the valve's cap and turn it counter-clockwise until the cap is loose enough to remove.
Use the same multipurpose tool as a funnel to add water to the pillow. Insert the base of the tool into the valve opening left by the cap and tighten your makeshift funnel into place. This will allow you to easily add water without the risk of spilling.
Add the amount of water that directly corresponds to your preferred level of firmness. To do this, stand your pillow upright in a chair for support. Using your pitcher, pour water into the pillow through the funnel until the pillow reaches your desired firmness. It is recommended that you start out at a medium firmness, which requires approximately 80 to 100 ounces of water. If you find that the pillow is too firm or too soft, you can then add or subtract water to your taste.
Remove the remaining air left in your pillow. Allow your pillow to remain upright on the chair after you have filled it. Using both hands, find the line where the water starts in your pillow and the air begins. Empty this air-filled section by applying gentle pressure and moving hands in a sweeping motion towards the valve. This will ensure that the water and firmness is distributed evenly throughout the pillow.
Put the valve cap back on the pillow. Continue to apply pressure to the empty portion of the pillow and push the cap back into place. Tip the pillow over near the sink to check for leaks and to make sure the cap is properly installed.