Back & Neck Desk Exercises
Reach for the Sky
In order to relieve stress in your neck and back area, you can stretch your arms and prevent the muscles in these areas from clenching and becoming tight. While sitting in your chair, stretch both arms high above your head. Hold this position for about ten seconds and then extend your left hand a little higher than the right. Hold that position for another ten seconds before repeating with the other arm. Take a deep breath and drop your hands. Let your chin roll down toward your chest and hold that position for a final ten seconds.
Lift your shoulders as high as possible and take a deep breath. Hold this position for ten seconds before releasing your shoulders back down and exhaling. Repeat this exercise for ten sets. This exercise helps relieve tension in the neck and back areas, and can also serve as a reminder to sit upright while working.
Neck Press
Place the palm of your hand against your forehead and begin pressing your head against your palm using your neck muscles. Hold this position for ten seconds before releasing; remember to breathe throughout the exercise. Rotate your palm to your right temple and repeat the exercise. Cup both hands behind your head and push your head and neck backwards. Finally, finish the exercise by placing your palm on the left side of your head, pressing your head against it.