How to Reverse Memory Loss
Things You'll Need
- Educational tools (books, puzzles, newspapers)
- Vitamins
- Healthy foods (especially fruits and vegetables)
Proper Nutrition
The first step to reversing memory loss is to follow a healthy diet heavy in fruits and vegetables, lean protein and whole grains, all of which contain vitamins and antioxidants that help maintain brain function. The Free Radical Biology and Medicine journal specifically cited blueberries as being helpful.
To aid consumption of brain-healthy nutrients, take a daily multivitamin that includes magnesium (which aids in learning and other brain functions) and B vitamins, such as B-12 and folic acid (these will rid your body of acids that put you at greater risk for stroke, heart attacks, and other health issues).
Avoid over-consumption of calories, which can lead to health problems that affect memory, and alcohol, which is harmful to the brain and can cause direct memory loss. Avoid cigarettes altogether--smoking leads to stroke and other health problems that affect brain function.
Challenge Yourself
Challenge yourself physically with cardiovascular and strength-based exercises--exercise for at least 30 minutes almost every day. Take the stairs, walk around the neighborhood after work and commit yourself to daily stretching and yoga routines after waking up.
Challenge yourself mentally--set aside part of each day for mental exertion, such as crossword puzzles, mathematical challenges and word problems.
Expand your mind through extensive reading of newspapers and books. Read something each day; you might find it a relaxing way to wind down.
Reduce Your Stress
Take control of your life--stay organized, don't over-extend yourself, concentrate on your work and the things that are important to you, and make time for relaxing and unwinding each day. With more focus comes greater mental facilities and the ability to stave off memory loss.
Get the proper amount of sleep. Most adults require six to eight hours of sleep to maintain proper physical and mental health. Regulate your sleeping habits, and save time before bed to wind down and calm your mind and nerves so you are ready for sleep.
Participate in stress-relief techniques, such as yoga (or any form of exercise), meditation and visualization exercises (such as imagining yourself in a peaceful setting or achieving a goal).