How to interact with persons with cerebral palsy
Things You'll Need
- Communication aids (possibly)
Learn how severe of a case of CP the person has before interaction. Knowing ahead of time the severity of the disability will help you plan for your interaction. You should know if any type of communication aid, like a computer or picture board, will be needed. Computers can be used to type messages to one another during interaction. A picture board, which uses illustrations to communicate messages, is a common aid for more severe cases of cerebral palsy. A person points to an illustration on the picture board in order to send a message.
Find out the interests of the person who has CP. Picking an activity or subject of conversation which the person with cerebral palsy can relate to is crucial. You do not want to plan an activity the person can't do or talk about something the person with CP can't relate to.
Interact. Play a game, or just sit and have a conversation. Whatever you do, treat the person with CP as your equal.