Difference Between Radiculopathy & Neuropathy
Neuropathy is not just one disease. It is a term used to indicate a disorder of the peripheral nervous system; problems in the peripheral, or distant, areas of the body. These do not include the central nervous system.
Radiculopathy is a term describing a problem with a single spinal nerve root.
The causes of radiculopathy can include pinched or inflamed nerves, a lack of blood flow, or a progressive nerve-damaging disease.
Common symptoms of neuropathy are weakness; cramps; spasms; loss of coordination; tingling; numbness; a "sock" or "glove" feeling; and sharp, jabbing, or electrical pain. The pain may be constant or intermittent, and is often worse at night.
An exam by a neurologist, which may include painless tests, can help determine if you have neuropathy or radiculopathy.
Treatments for radiculopathy include physical therapy, surgery and medication. Several types of medication may be tried for both radiculopathy and neuropathy, including antidepressants, anticonvulsants, opioids, local anesthetics, and marijuana-based medications (where legally allowed).