What Causes Dementia in Young People?
The most common causes of dementia in the elderly are Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. These two causes cannot be reversed. Some symptoms, especially those seen in younger people, can mimic and be mistaken as dementia.
Symptoms of dementia include confusion, forgetfulness, getting lost in familiar places, and becoming disoriented about people, places and time. Neglecting personal appearance, safety, nutrition and hygiene are also symptoms.
Nutritional Causes
In most cases, dementia in younger people can be treated and reversed. Some causes include poor nutrition, vitamin deficiency, high fever, dehydration or an adverse reaction to medication.
Head Injury
A severe blow to the head or a head injury can cause dementia in young adults. Those who play contact sports or engage in an activity that might cause an injury to the head (biking, skateboarding, diving) should be extremely careful and wear a helmet or take precaution to prevent an injury.
Depression, feeling sad, lonely and in despair might also cause dementia in the young. The death of a parent, friend, relative or pet might cause anxiety and confusion, which can result in dementia.
Drugs and Alcohol
The use of drugs and alcohol can both cause dementia in young adults. Drugs and alcohol kill brain cells. Abusing one or both can cause symptoms and problems that include dementia.